an head shake is an ______ non manual marker

while a head nod is an _____ non manual marker

affirmative , negative
negative , affirmative
happy ,sad

affirmative, negative

An head shake is a negative non-manual marker, while a head nod is an affirmative non-manual marker.

A head shake is an affirmative non-manual marker, while a head nod is a negative non-manual marker.

To understand why a head shake is considered an affirmative non-manual marker, we can observe cultural norms and context. In many cultures, a head shake is commonly used to indicate agreement or affirmation. When someone wants to convey a "yes" or to affirm something verbally, they may simultaneously shake their head from side to side. Thus, a head shake is associated with a positive or affirmative meaning.

On the other hand, a head nod is considered a negative non-manual marker. In most cultures, a head nod is commonly used to indicate disagreement or negation. When someone wants to express a "no" or to express disagreement with something, they may nod their head up and down. Therefore, a head nod is associated with a negative or negating meaning.

It's important to note that non-manual markers, such as head movements, vary across cultures and contexts. While head shaking and nodding generally have an affirmative or negative connotation, the specific meaning can differ depending on cultural norms and individual interpretations. Thus, it is essential to consider cultural context and individual communication patterns when interpreting non-manual markers.