Which of the following describes the Sugar Act?(1 point)


Smugglers supported the tax because it forced merchants to pay.
Smugglers supported the tax because it forced merchants to pay.

It removed the tax on molasses.
It removed the tax on molasses.

It called for more customs officials.
It called for more customs officials.

It enforced existing laws regarding taxes on molasses.
It enforced existing laws regarding taxes on molasses.

The correct response is:

- It enforced existing laws regarding taxes on molasses.

The correct answer is: It enforced existing laws regarding taxes on molasses.

To determine which option describes the Sugar Act, we can analyze each response:

1. "Smugglers supported the tax because it forced merchants to pay." - This option implies that smugglers were in favor of the tax because it made merchants responsible for the payment. However, it does not directly describe the Sugar Act.

2. "It removed the tax on molasses." - This option states that the Sugar Act removed the tax on molasses. Thus, it accurately describes one of the main provisions of the Sugar Act.

3. "It called for more customs officials." - This option suggests that the Sugar Act required an increase in the number of customs officials. While the act did enhance enforcement and tighten control, it doesn't specifically mention customs officials.

4. "It enforced existing laws regarding taxes on molasses." - This option explains that the Sugar Act aimed to enforce pre-existing laws related to molasses taxes. It correctly describes another aspect of the Sugar Act.

Based on the analysis, options 2 and 4 both describe the Sugar Act accurately.