Which is an example of informal language?(1 point)



being interested in
being interested in

finding out
finding out

getting into

getting into

getting into

To answer this question, we need to understand what informal language is. Informal language refers to the use of casual, conversational, and relaxed language that is more commonly used in informal situations, such as with friends or in everyday conversations.

Let's examine the options provided:

1. discovering

This phrase is not necessarily informal. It can be used both formally and informally depending on the context. So, this option may not be a prime example of informal language.

2. being interested in

This phrase is in a more formal tone and is not typically considered informal language. It is relatively neutral and can be used in both formal and informal settings. Therefore, it may not be the best example of informal language.

3. finding out

This phrase is a better example of informal language. "Finding out" is a more casual way of expressing the act of obtaining information or discovering something. It is commonly used in informal conversations.

4. getting into

"Getting into" is also an example of informal language. It is a more colloquial expression that means becoming interested in or involved with something. This phrase may not be suitable for formal writing or professional situations.

Based on the options provided, "finding out" and "getting into" are better examples of informal language.