Which of the following describes quotations?(1 point)


exact meanings of words
exact meanings of words

things that can be proven
things that can be proven

exact words taken from a speech or text
exact words taken from a speech or text

situations, people, or things that illustrate an idea

exact words taken from a speech or text

The correct answer is: exact words taken from a speech or text.

The correct answer is: "exact words taken from a speech or text".

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the given options and determine which one accurately defines quotations.

Option 1 - "exact meanings of words": While quotations do involve the use of words, they specifically refer to the exact words that are taken from a speech or text, rather than just their general meanings. So, this option does not fully capture the concept of quotations.

Option 2 - "things that can be proven": Quotations are not necessarily about proving something. They are primarily used to provide evidence, support an argument, or accurately represent someone's words or thoughts. So, this option is not an accurate description of quotations.

Option 3 - "exact words taken from a speech or text": This option accurately describes quotations. When using a quotation, you are directly using the words spoken or written by someone else. This includes both the wording and its ordering, capturing the original intention and message.

Option 4 - "situations, people, or things that illustrate an idea": While this option relates to the concept of examples or illustrations, it does not capture the essence of quotations as being direct replicas of someone's words. So, this option does not accurately describe quotations.

Therefore, the correct answer is the third option: "exact words taken from a speech or text".