Explanatory Essay (Unit 5 Portfolio) Outline Examples

Example 1: Ocean Pollution topic
Example thesis statement: Ocean pollution caused by human activities is having devastating effects on marine environments. There are several steps that can be taken to stop the harmful effects of pollution before it is too late.
Introduction paragraph: Open with an interesting fact or quote. Explain what ocean pollution is. End with thesis statement.
Body paragraph 1: What are the causes of ocean pollution? Where does pollution in the ocean come from?
Body paragraph 2: How does ocean pollution affect animals and ecosystems in the ocean?
Body paragraph 3: What are some things that can be done to clean up pollution? How can we prevent further pollution?
Conclusion: Summarize 1 main point from each body paragraph. Restate the thesis in different words. Wrap up with a final thought or a call to action.

Example 2: Invasive Ocean Species Topic
Common invasive species topics include the lionfish, the green crab, the sea walnut, the zebra mussel, and killer algae. Choose ONE species to focus your essay on.
Example thesis statement: The lionfish is an invasive species in the Caribbean where it has grown out of control due to its lack of natural predators. Scientists have been working hard to find a solution to restore the balance of the ecosystem.
Introduction: Explain what an invasive species is. Describe the lionfish. End with thesis statement.
Body paragraph 1: Where does the invasive species originate from? How did it end up where it is now?
Body paragraph 2: How does the invasive species create problems for the ecosystem?
Body paragraph 3: What is being done to help stop the spread of the invasive species?
Conclusion: Summarize 1 main point from each body paragraph. Restate the thesis in different words. Wrap up with a final thought or call to action.

about At the end of this unit, you will be submitting your own explanatory essay based on one of the topics below. It is recommended that you use this sample work as your pre-writing/rough draft. Therefore, you will want to choose a topic at the beginning of the unit so you can work on your essay throughout the unit. There is more information about the explanatory essay portfolio on the Padlet. If you have questions, please contact your Language Arts teacher.
Topic choices:
● Marine habitats

● Coral reefs

● Overfishing
● Climate change and its impact on marine life
● Threats to sea turtles
● Ocean acidification
● Plastic pollution in the ocean
● The importance of marine conservation
● Marine biodiversity
● The impact of oil spills on marine ecosystems

Example 3: Marine Habitats Topic

Example thesis statement: Marine habitats are diverse and essential ecosystems that provide homes for numerous species and play a crucial role in maintaining the health of our planet. Understanding and protecting these habitats is vital for the preservation of marine life.
Introduction: Introduce the importance of marine habitats. Give examples of different types of marine habitats. End with thesis statement.
Body paragraph 1: Describe the characteristics of coral reefs and their significance. Discuss the threats they face, such as bleaching and ocean acidification.
Body paragraph 2: Explain the role of seagrass meadows and the benefits they provide for marine life. Discuss the impact of human activities, such as pollution and dredging.
Body paragraph 3: Explore the importance of mangrove forests and their role in coastal protection. Discuss the deforestation and conversion of mangroves and its consequences.
Body paragraph 4: Discuss the significance of deep-sea habitats and their unique biodiversity. Address the threats posed by deep-sea mining and bottom trawling.
Conclusion: Summarize the main points from each body paragraph. Reinforce the importance of understanding and protecting marine habitats. Call for increased conservation efforts and responsible practices to ensure the preservation of these vital ecosystems.

If you are working on an explanatory essay for your Unit 5 portfolio, here are two examples of possible outlines for different topics: ocean pollution and invasive ocean species. These outlines can serve as a starting point for your essay and help you organize your thoughts and ideas.

Example 1: Ocean Pollution topic
Thesis statement: Ocean pollution caused by human activities is having devastating effects on marine environments. There are several steps that can be taken to stop the harmful effects of pollution before it is too late.

1. Introduction paragraph:
- Open with an interesting fact or quote about ocean pollution.
- Explain what ocean pollution is.
- End with the thesis statement.

2. Body paragraph 1:
- Explain the causes of ocean pollution.
- Discuss where pollution in the ocean comes from, such as industrial waste, agricultural runoff, or plastic waste.

3. Body paragraph 2:
- Describe how ocean pollution affects animals and ecosystems in the ocean.
- Discuss the harmful effects on marine life, such as habitat destruction, wildlife endangerment, and ecosystem imbalance.

4. Body paragraph 3:
- Explore possible solutions to clean up pollution.
- Discuss preventive measures to stop further pollution, such as reducing plastic waste, improving waste management systems, and promoting sustainable practices.

5. Conclusion:
- Summarize the main points from each body paragraph.
- Restate the thesis statement in different words.
- Wrap up with a final thought or a call to action, emphasizing the importance of addressing ocean pollution to protect marine environments.

Example 2: Invasive Ocean Species topic
Thesis statement: The lionfish is an invasive species in the Caribbean where it has grown out of control due to its lack of natural predators. Scientists have been working hard to find a solution to restore the balance of the ecosystem.

1. Introduction:
- Explain what an invasive species is.
- Describe the lionfish as the chosen invasive species for the essay.
- End with the thesis statement.

2. Body paragraph 1:
- Provide information on the origin of the invasive species.
- Discuss how the lionfish ended up in the Caribbean and why it thrived in that ecosystem.

3. Body paragraph 2:
- Explore the problems caused by the invasive lionfish in the ecosystem.
- Discuss its impact on native species, biodiversity, and the overall balance of the ecosystem.

4. Body paragraph 3:
- Investigate the efforts made to control the spread of the lionfish.
- Discuss scientific research, conservation initiatives, and potential solutions to restore the balance of the ecosystem.

5. Conclusion:
- Summarize the main points from each body paragraph.
- Restate the thesis statement in different words.
- Wrap up with a final thought or call to action, emphasizing the importance of addressing invasive species to protect marine habitats.

Remember to use these outlines as a starting point and tailor them to fit your specific topic and ideas. Good luck with your explanatory essay!