Which energy resource is a nonrenewable energy source?(1 point)








The nonrenewable energy resource in the list is oil.

To determine this, we need to understand the concept of nonrenewable and renewable energy resources. Nonrenewable energy resources are those that cannot be replaced in a short period of time. They are limited in quantity and once depleted, they cannot be easily replenished. On the other hand, renewable energy resources are naturally replenished and can be used indefinitely.

Solar, water, and wind are all examples of renewable energy resources. Solar energy is derived from the sun, which is a constant source of energy. Water energy is generated from the flow of water in rivers, streams, and tides, which is continuously replenished through the water cycle. Wind energy is harnessed from the wind, which is constantly in motion. These resources can be considered renewable because they are naturally replenished by natural processes.

However, oil is a nonrenewable energy resource. Oil is a fossil fuel that takes millions of years to form from the remains of dead plants and animals buried under layers of sediment. The process of forming oil is extremely slow, and once it is extracted and burned for energy, it cannot be renewed within a human lifetime. Oil reserves are finite and will eventually be depleted if consumed at a high rate.

Therefore, among the options listed, oil is the nonrenewable energy resource.