Which provides evidence of universe expansion that supports the Big Bang Theory? Select the three correct answers.(2 points)


The temperature of the universe is decreasing.
The temperature of the universe is decreasing.

The temperature of the universe is increasing.
The temperature of the universe is increasing.

The universe is undergoing a cycle of contraction and expansion.
The universe is undergoing a cycle of contraction and expansion.

The temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation varies widely from one part of the universe to another.
The temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation varies widely from one part of the universe to another.

An enormous amount of weak cosmic background radiation has been detected in the universe.
An enormous amount of weak cosmic background radiation has been detected in the universe.

Galaxies are moving away from each other.

The temperature of the universe is decreasing.

The temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation varies widely from one part of the universe to another.
Galaxies are moving away from each other.

The three correct answers that provide evidence of universe expansion supporting the Big Bang theory are:

1. The temperature of the universe is decreasing.
2. The universe is undergoing a cycle of contraction and expansion.
3. Galaxies are moving away from each other.

The three correct answers that provide evidence of universe expansion supporting the Big Bang Theory are:

1. The temperature of the universe is decreasing.
- The temperature of the universe has been observed to decrease over time, indicating that the universe is expanding. This is consistent with the Big Bang Theory, as it suggests that the universe originated from a high temperature state and has been cooling as it expands.

2. The temperature of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation varies widely from one part of the universe to another.
- Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation is a faint glow of radiation that permeates the universe. The variations in temperature observed in the CMB from different parts of the universe provide evidence of universe expansion. These temperature fluctuations are believed to have originated from tiny quantum fluctuations in the early universe, which were amplified during the expansion.

3. Galaxies are moving away from each other.
- The observation that galaxies are moving away from each other in all directions supports the idea of universe expansion. This observation is known as the redshift of galaxies and is consistent with the concept that the universe is expanding from a single, initial event (the Big Bang).

By considering these three pieces of evidence together, scientists have gained significant support for the Big Bang Theory and the idea of an expanding universe.