Fill in the blanks and Balance the following the chemical equation

Blank MgO + Blank CaS → Blank Mgs + Blank CaO

MgO + CaS → MgS + CaO

To balance the chemical equation, we need to ensure that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation.

The unbalanced equation is:
MgO + CaS → Mgs + CaO

Let's start by balancing the magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) atoms:

MgO + CaS → MgS + CaO

Next, let's balance the oxygen (O) atoms:

MgO + CaS → MgS + CaO₃

Now, let's balance the sulfur (S) atoms:

MgO + CaS → MgS + CaO₃

Finally, let's check the balanced equation:
MgO + CaS → MgS + CaO₃

Therefore, the balanced chemical equation is:
MgO + CaS → MgS + CaO₃

To balance the chemical equation:

MgO + CaS → MgS + CaO

We need to make sure that there is an equal number of each type of atom on both sides of the equation.

1. Start by counting the number of each type of atom on both sides:

- On the left side, there is 1 Mg atom and 1 O atom.
- On the right side, there is 1 Mg atom, 1 S atom, and 1 O atom.

2. Start with the element that appears in the least number of molecules. In this case, it is Sulfur (S).

- On the right side, there is 1 S atom, so we need to balance it by adding a coefficient to the left side.

3. Add a coefficient of 1 in front of CaS to balance the sulfur atom:

MgO + 1CaS → MgS + CaO

Now, let's move on to oxygen (O).

- On the left side, there is 1 O atom.
- On the right side, there is 1 O atom.

4. Oxygen is already balanced, so we can move on to balancing magnesium (Mg).

- On the left side, there is 1 Mg atom.
- On the right side, there is 1 Mg atom.

5. Magnesium is already balanced.

Finally, let's balance calcium (Ca).

- On the left side, there is no calcium (Ca) atom.
- On the right side, there is 1 Ca atom.

6. Add a coefficient of 1 in front of MgO to balance the calcium atom:

1MgO + 1CaS → MgS + CaO

Now, the equation is balanced, and there is an equal number of each type of atom on both sides.