Which of the following is an example of a presidential use of inherent power?

A. The Great Society program
B. the take care clause

B. the take care clause

The correct answer is B. the take care clause.

The correct answer to the question is B. The take care clause.

The take care clause is a provision in the Constitution of the United States that imposes a duty on the President to faithfully execute the laws of the land. It is found in Article II, Section 3, which states, "He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed."

The take care clause serves as the basis for one of the inherent powers of the President, which is the authority to take actions necessary to fulfill their duty to enforce and execute laws. This power allows the President to make decisions and take actions that are not explicitly granted by the Constitution or laws, but are necessary for the effective functioning of the executive branch.

An example of a presidential use of inherent power through the take care clause would be instances where the President decides to use executive orders to implement or enforce laws, or takes actions to address emergencies or crises when there may not be specific legislation in place.

To arrive at the correct answer, it is important to understand the concept of inherent powers and their application in the context of the U.S. presidency. It can be helpful to study the relevant provisions of the Constitution, particularly Article II, Section 3, and explore examples of how previous Presidents have exercised inherent powers based on the take care clause.