Which set of integers are in the right order from least to greatest?(1 point)Responses–8, 8, 6, |–7|, 5–8, 8, 6, |–7|, 5|–7|, –8, 8, 6, 5|–7|, –8, 8, 6, 5–8, 5, 6, |–7|, 8–8, 5, 6, |–7|, 85, 6, 8, –8, |–7|5, 6, 8, –8, |–7|

The set of integers in the right order from least to greatest is: -8, -7, 5, 6, 8.

The correct set of integers in the right order from least to greatest is:

-8, -7, 5, 6, 8

To determine which set of integers is in the right order from least to greatest, we need to compare the numbers in each set.

The first set is -8, 8, 6, -7, and 5. We can see that the order of these numbers is already from least to greatest, so this set is in the right order.

The second set is -8, 8, 6, -7, and 5. Again, the numbers are already arranged from least to greatest, so this set is also in the right order.

The third set is -7, -8, 8, 6, and 5. In this set, -7 comes before -8. Since -8 is smaller than -7, this set is not in the right order.

Finally, the fourth set is 5, 6, 8, -8, and -7. In this set, the numbers are arranged from least to greatest, so this set is also in the right order.

Therefore, the first, second, and fourth sets are in the right order from least to greatest.