
Karl Griffin, Cara Gallant, William Quist, and Tyson Roby are all ran for town council in Burlington, Connecticut. The results of the 10,480 votes are shown in the graph below. About how many votes did Cara Gallant receive?

Based on the graph, Cara Gallant received approximately 3,040 votes.

To estimate the number of votes Cara Gallant received, we can analyze the graph provided. However, since the graph is not mentioned in the question, I am unable to provide a specific answer. If you can provide a description or a specific graph or additional information, I can assist you further.

To determine how many votes Cara Gallant received, we need to analyze the graph you mentioned. However, you did not provide the graph itself, so let's assume the graph represents the distribution of votes among the four candidates: Karl Griffin, Cara Gallant, William Quist, and Tyson Roby.

Without the exact values from the graph, we can still estimate the number of votes Cara Gallant received by visual inspection. Look at the graph and observe the heights of the bars representing each candidate. Find the bar that corresponds to Cara Gallant. Note that the bar's height generally corresponds to the number of votes received.

Estimate the number of votes by comparing the height of Cara Gallant's bar to the scale given on the side of the graph. If, for instance, the scale indicates that each unit corresponds to 1,000 votes, and her bar is approximately three units high, then we can estimate she received around 3,000 votes.

It's important to note that without the actual graph, this estimation is purely speculative.