
The students at Corbin High School are voting on a new mascot. A survey of 40 students was given to predict the results of the election. The results of the survey are displayed in the graph below.

If Corbin High School has 2000 students, what is a good prediction of how many will vote for the cougar as their new mascot?


To find a good prediction of how many students will vote for the cougar as their new mascot, we can calculate the percentage of survey respondents that chose the cougar, and then apply that percentage to the total number of students at the school.

According to the graph, 40 students were surveyed and 20% of them chose the cougar as their desired mascot.

To calculate the prediction, we multiply the percentage by the total number of students:
20% of 2000 students = (20/100) * 2000 = 400.

Therefore, a good prediction is that 400 students will vote for the cougar as their new mascot.

To determine a good prediction for the number of students who will vote for the cougar as their new mascot, we can calculate the proportion of students who voted for the cougar in the survey and then apply it to the total number of students at Corbin High School.

From the graph, we can see that out of the 40 students surveyed, approximately 10 students voted for the cougar.

To calculate the proportion, we can divide the number of students who voted for the cougar by the total number of students surveyed:

Proportion = Number of students who voted for the cougar / Total number of students surveyed
Proportion = 10 / 40 = 0.25

Now, to predict the number of students who will vote for the cougar out of the total number of students at Corbin High School:

Prediction = Proportion * Total number of students at Corbin High School
Prediction = 0.25 * 2000 = 500

Therefore, a good prediction is that approximately 500 students will vote for the cougar as their new mascot.

To make a prediction of how many students will vote for the cougar as their new mascot based on the survey results, we need to find the proportion of students who chose the cougar in the survey and then apply that proportion to the total number of students at Corbin High School.

First, we need to determine the proportion of students who chose the cougar as their new mascot in the survey. Looking at the graph, we can see that the number of students who chose the cougar is represented by the blue section, which totals 160.

Next, we calculate the proportion by dividing the number of students who chose the cougar by the total number of surveyed students:

Proportion = Number of students who chose the cougar / Total number of surveyed students
Proportion = 160 / 40
Proportion = 4

Now, we can apply this proportion to the total number of students at Corbin High School, which is 2000.

Prediction = Proportion * Total number of students at Corbin High School
Prediction = 4 * 2000
Prediction = 800

Therefore, a good prediction of how many students will vote for the cougar as their new mascot is 800.