
Violet, Amy, and Joseph are running for student senate, and there is one seat open in their college. Voter preferences are given in the following graph according to a survey of 20 students in their college.

If there are 512 students in the college, what is a good prediction of the number who will vote for Joseph?


To find the prediction for the number of students who will vote for Joseph, we need to determine the percentage of students who prefer Joseph based on the graph.

From the graph, we can see that the percentage of students who prefer Joseph is approximately 17%.

To find the prediction, we multiply the percentage by the total number of students in the college:

17% of 512 students = (0.17)(512) = 87.04

Rounded to the nearest whole number, this gives us a prediction of 87 students who will vote for Joseph.

Therefore, the closest option is 51.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the graph provided and estimate the percentage of students who prefer Joseph based on the survey results.

Looking at the graph, it appears that Joseph has approximately 256 out of 512 votes, which is half of the total number of students in the college.

Therefore, a good prediction of the number of students who will vote for Joseph would be:

256 students.

To get a good prediction of the number of students who will vote for Joseph, we can use the information from the graph. The graph shows the percentage of students who prefer each candidate. However, to determine the actual number of students, we need to know the total number of students in the college.

Given that there are 512 students in the college, we can find the number of students who prefer Joseph by calculating the percentage of students given in the graph.

According to the graph, Joseph has 10% of the votes. To find the number of students who prefer Joseph, we can multiply 10% by the total number of students:

Number of students who prefer Joseph = (Percentage of students who prefer Joseph / 100) * Total number of students

Number of students who prefer Joseph = (10/100) * 512 = 0.1 * 512 = 51.2

Since we cannot have a fraction of a student, we will round the number to the nearest whole number. Therefore, a good prediction of the number of students who will vote for Joseph is 51.

So, the correct answer is 51.