The Maya got water from which of the following sources?

(1 point)
O rivers
O lakes
O sinkholes
• streams

The Maya got water from rivers, lakes, sinkholes, and streams.

The Maya got water from all of the following sources:

1. Rivers: The Maya relied on rivers for a steady water supply. They built their cities near rivers to ensure a constant source of water for drinking, bathing, and irrigation purposes.

2. Lakes: The Maya also made use of natural lakes in their region. They constructed reservoirs around lakes to store water during the dry season and to supplement their water supply.

3. Sinkholes: In certain areas, known as cenotes, the Maya accessed water from sinkholes. These natural limestone sinkholes provided a source of fresh water, and the Maya sometimes built stairs or platforms around them to facilitate access.

4. Streams: The Maya collected water from streams that flowed through their territories. They utilized clay pipes and canals to divert water from these streams to their cities and agricultural fields.

To find the answer to this question, you can refer to historical accounts and studies about the Maya civilization. The Maya people relied on various sources for water, which were essential for their survival and agricultural practices.

Rivers: The Maya civilization flourished near river systems, and they often obtained water from nearby rivers. The rivers provided a consistent and accessible source of water for daily needs and irrigation.

Lakes: The Maya also utilized lakes as a source of water. Many Mayan cities and settlements were built near large lakes, such as Lake Petén Itzá in Guatemala. Lakes offered a reliable water source for drinking, bathing, and irrigation.

Sinkholes: The Maya civilization was developed in regions with limestone formations that included natural sinkholes called cenotes. Cenotes were filled with groundwater and served as important water sources for the Maya. They used cisterns or elaborate systems to collect water from these sinkholes.

Streams: Streams were another source of water for the Maya. These smaller flowing bodies of water were important for collecting water in areas where rivers and lakes were scarce or not easily accessible.

In conclusion, the Maya got water from various sources including rivers, lakes, sinkholes, and streams.