Factor this expression completely.−21x+28 (1 point)

The expression −21x+28 can be factored as follows:

−21x+28 = 7(-3x+4)

So, the factored expression is 7(-3x+4).

To factor the expression −21x+28 completely, we can first factor out the greatest common factor (GCF) of the coefficients, which is 7.

So, we have:

−21x + 28 = 7(-3x + 4)

Next, we can factor out the GCF of the remaining terms, which is (-3x + 4).

So, the completely factored expression is:

−21x + 28 = 7(-3x + 4)

To factor the expression −21x+28 completely, we can start by looking for common factors that can be factored out.

In this case, we can see that both terms −21x and +28 have a common factor of 7.

So, we can rewrite the expression as follows:

−21x+28 = 7(−3x+4)

Now, the expression is partially factored, but we can simplify it further.

Inside the parentheses, we have −3x+4, which cannot be factored any further since there are no common factors between the terms.

Therefore, the completely factored form of −21x+28 is 7(−3x+4).