In which of the following ways do the SS officers at Auschwitz dehumanize their new prisoners?

All of the above
They shave their heads and make them wear ill-fitting, prison-like uniforms.
They disinfect them and make them run naked.
They tattoo a number on their arm that becomes their name.

a) All of the above

The answer is a) All of the above.

The SS officers at Auschwitz dehumanize their new prisoners in multiple ways. They shave their heads and make them wear ill-fitting, prison-like uniforms to strip them of their individuality and dignity. They also disinfect them and make them run naked, further degrading and humiliaing them. Additionally, the prisoners are tattooed with a number on their arm, which is used as their identification and replaces their name. All of these practices were aimed at dehumanizing the prisoners and reducing them to mere objects in the eyes of the SS officers.

The correct answer is option "a: All of the above". SS officers at Auschwitz employed various ways to dehumanize their new prisoners, which are listed in options b, c, and d. These methods were specifically designed to strip the prisoners of their individuality, dignity, and humanity. To confirm this answer, you can refer to historical accounts, memoirs, testimonies, and even primary sources such as photographs, documents, and survivor interviews.