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Which of the following statements about modern Buddhism is accurate?

(1 point)

Buddhism is still widely practiced in India.

Buddhism is still widely practiced in India.

Few Buddhists live in Asia.

Few Buddhists live in Asia.

Most Buddhists live in monasteries.

Most Buddhists live in monasteries.

More than two million Buddhists live in the United States.

More than two million Buddhists live in the United States.

The accurate statement about modern Buddhism is that more than two million Buddhists live in the United States.

The accurate statement about modern Buddhism is: More than two million Buddhists live in the United States.

To answer this question, we can evaluate each statement individually to determine if it is accurate or not.

1. Buddhism is still widely practiced in India.
To check the accuracy of this statement, we can search for information on the current state of Buddhism in India. We can look for census data, news articles, or scholarly research to find out if Buddhism is still widely practiced in India today.

2. Few Buddhists live in Asia.
To check the accuracy of this statement, we can analyze statistical data on the number of Buddhists in Asia. We can consult reliable sources such as religious surveys or demographic studies to determine the proportion of Buddhists in various Asian countries or regions.

3. Most Buddhists live in monasteries.
To determine the accuracy of this statement, we can examine the lifestyle and distribution of Buddhists worldwide. By studying information about Buddhist traditions and practices, we can find out if the majority of Buddhists live in monastic settings or if they follow other forms of practice.

4. More than two million Buddhists live in the United States.
To verify the accuracy of this statement, we can explore official records, surveys, or research studies to determine the estimated number of Buddhists residing in the United States. This information can help us understand if the statement is correct.

By conducting thorough research using reliable sources, such as government reports, religious surveys, or academic studies, we can find the accurate statement about modern Buddhism.