What is 7/8 divide 3/4

To divide fractions, you need to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

Reciprocal of 3/4 is 4/3.

So, (7/8) ÷ (3/4) is equal to:

(7/8) * (4/3)

Multiplying the numerators gives: 7 * 4 = 28
Multiplying the denominators gives: 8 * 3 = 24

So, (7/8) ÷ (3/4) simplifies to 28/24, which can be further simplified to 7/6.

To divide fractions, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Flip the second fraction
Divide 7/8 by 3/4 by flipping the second fraction, which gives us 4/3.

Step 2: Multiply the fractions
Next, you need to multiply the two fractions. Multiply the numerators (top numbers) together and multiply the denominators (bottom numbers) together.

7/8 * 4/3 = (7 * 4) / (8 * 3) = 28/24

Step 3: Simplify the fraction
You can simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 28 and 24 is 4.

28/24 = (28 ÷ 4) / (24 ÷ 4) = 7/6

Therefore, 7/8 divided by 3/4 is equal to 7/6.

To divide fractions, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Flip the divisor (the number you're dividing by) and turn it into its reciprocal. In this case, flip 3/4 to become 4/3.

Step 2: Now, you can multiply the dividend (the number you're dividing) by the reciprocal of the divisor. In this case, multiply 7/8 by 4/3.

Step 3: Multiply the numerators (the top numbers) to get the new numerator and multiply the denominators (the bottom numbers) to get the new denominator.

Calculating 7/8 divided by 3/4:

7/8 ÷ 3/4

= 7/8 × 4/3

= (7 × 4) / (8 × 3)

= 28/24

Step 4: Simplify the fraction, if possible. In this case, the numerator 28 and the denominator 24 can both be divided by 4:

= (28 ÷ 4) / (24 ÷ 4)

= 7/6

Therefore, 7/8 divided by 3/4 is equal to 7/6.