Large forests cover much of Canada. These forests provide lumber and pulp which is commonly used to make ______________________ .(1 point)




To determine the correct answer, we can consider the main products obtained from lumber and pulp, which are commonly derived from forests in Canada.

1. Clothes: While some clothing items may contain wood-derived materials such as rayon or viscose, the primary source of fabric for clothes is usually cotton or synthetic fibers like polyester. Therefore, it is unlikely that large forests in Canada are primarily used for producing clothes.

2. Soap: Soap is generally made from fats or oils, rather than wood-based products like lumber or pulp. Thus, it is less likely that large forests in Canada are primarily used for producing soap.

3. Food: Forests do provide certain food products such as nuts, fruits, and mushrooms. However, lumber and pulp from forests are not commonly utilized in food production.

4. Paper: The production of paper is closely associated with lumber and pulp. Trees from forests serve as a source of wood fibers used in the manufacturing of paper products. Therefore, large forests in Canada are often used for producing paper.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is "Paper."