Which event/s had historical implications that contributed to the storming of the Bastille? (1 point)

• the Reign of Terror, as the Revolutionary government convinced the people through fear to attack the Bastille
• Louis XVI tried to run away and hide in the Bastille
• the Tennis Court Oath because they were arrested for their demands
• the rise of Napoleon because he wished to attack the Bastille

The correct answer is:

- Louis XVI tried to run away and hide in the Bastille.

The event/s that had historical implications contributing to the storming of the Bastille are:

- The Tennis Court Oath: The Tennis Court Oath played a significant role in the lead-up to the storming of the Bastille. On June 20, 1789, members of the Third Estate, who had been locked out of their usual meeting place, the Estates-General, took an oath in the nearby Jeu de Paume (Tennis Court) to stay united until they had produced a new constitution for France. This act of solidarity and defiance against the monarchy further galvanized the revolutionary spirit.

- The Reign of Terror: The Reign of Terror did not directly contribute to the storming of the Bastille. It occurred later during the French Revolution, from 1793 to 1794, and was characterized by mass executions as the Revolutionary government sought to eliminate opposition and consolidate power.

- Louis XVI's attempted escape: Louis XVI's attempted escape and subsequent capture did not directly lead to the storming of the Bastille. The attempted escape, known as the Flight to Varennes in 1791, did, however, significantly undermine the French monarchy's credibility and authority, increasing societal tensions.

- The rise of Napoleon: Napoleon Bonaparte did not specifically wish to attack the Bastille. He came into power after the fall of the Directory in 1799 and implemented significant reforms and military successes, such as the Napoleonic Code and conquests across Europe. While he played a crucial role in shaping France's future and stabilizing the country following the revolution, his rise did not directly contribute to the storming of the Bastille in 1789.

The event that had historical implications contributing to the storming of the Bastille was not the Reign of Terror, Louis XVI's attempt to hide in the Bastille, the Tennis Court Oath, or the rise of Napoleon. The correct answer is the Tennis Court Oath.

To explain, the Tennis Court Oath occurred on June 20, 1789. The French Revolution had begun, and the newly formed National Assembly was seeking to draft a new constitution. However, they faced opposition from King Louis XVI and the conservative nobility. In response, the representatives of the Third Estate (which represented the common people) took an oath not to separate until they had created a new constitution, and they did so on a tennis court.

This event had significant historical implications as it demonstrated the determination and unity of the Third Estate in challenging the absolute power of the monarchy. It also marked a key turning point in the Revolution, as it symbolized the rejection of the old order and the demand for political change.

While the storming of the Bastille is often considered a pivotal event in the French Revolution, it did not directly result from the Tennis Court Oath. Instead, the storming of the Bastille occurred on July 14, 1789, when Parisians attacked the Bastille fortress, which was seen as a symbol of royal tyranny. The storming of the Bastille was driven by various factors, including widespread discontent, food shortages, and the fear of a military crackdown. It sparked further revolutions and marked the beginning of a radical phase of the French Revolution.

To recap, the Tennis Court Oath played a significant role in the French Revolution, highlighting the demand for a new constitution and the rejection of absolute monarchy. However, it was not directly responsible for the storming of the Bastille.