What type of variable is finalScore in this code?

finalScore = int(input("What was your final score?"))

(1 point)

an integer

an integer

a float

a float

a string

a string

a Boolean

an integer

The variable "finalScore" in the given code is of type 'integer'.

In the given code, `finalScore` is assigned the value returned by the `int(input("What was your final score?"))` expression. Let's break down the expression step by step:

1. `input("What was your final score?")`: This code prompts the user with the message "What was your final score?" and waits for the user to enter a value.

2. `int(...)`: The `int()` function is then used to convert the user's input into an integer data type.

Since the user is expected to provide a numeric value for their final score, the result of this expression will be an integer.

Therefore, the type of variable `finalScore` in this code is an integer.