Which inalienable right is most associated with utilitarianism? (1 point)

• the resistance of oppression
O the pursuit of happiness
• taxation occurring only with the consent of the people
O equality under the law

The pursuit of happiness is the inalienable right most associated with utilitarianism.

The inalienable right most associated with utilitarianism is the pursuit of happiness.

The inalienable right that is most closely associated with utilitarianism is the pursuit of happiness. Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that emphasizes maximizing overall happiness and well-being. It suggests that actions are morally right if they produce the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people.

To determine the correct answer, you can apply a process of elimination:

1. The resistance of oppression: While this is a fundamental right, it is not specifically linked to utilitarianism. Utilitarianism focuses on maximizing happiness rather than resisting or overcoming oppression.

2. The pursuit of happiness: This is the correct answer. Utilitarianism places a high value on promoting happiness and well-being for as many people as possible. Thus, the pursuit of happiness aligns with the fundamental principle of utilitarianism.

3. Taxation occurring only with the consent of the people: Taxation is an important aspect of governance and may have utilitarian implications, but it is not the specific right associated with utilitarianism.

4. Equality under the law: Equality under the law is a fundamental principle of justice and fairness, but it is not directly tied to utilitarianism's emphasis on maximizing happiness.

Therefore, the correct answer is "the pursuit of happiness."