Abdel just got a job babysitting his neighbors 3 afternoons a week. He wants to save 60%

of his earnings each week. If he will make $80
a week, how much will he be saving each week?(1 point)

48 dollars

36 dollars

60 dollars



To find out how much Abdel will be saving each week, we need to calculate 60% of his earnings.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:
60% / 100 = 0.60

Step 2: Multiply his earnings by the decimal:
$80 * 0.60 = $<<80*0.60=48>>48

Therefore, Abdel will be saving $48 each week.

To determine how much Abdel will be saving each week, we need to find 60% of his earnings.

Since Abdel will be making $80 a week, we can calculate his savings by multiplying his earnings by 60% (or 0.60):

$80 * 0.60 = $48

Therefore, Abdel will be saving $48 each week.