Solve Equations with Addition and Subtraction Quick Check

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Which of the following should be done to both sides of the equation x + 11 = −17 to solve the value of x? (1 point)

add 11
add 11

subtract 11
subtract 11

subtract 17
subtract 17

add 17

subtract 11

To solve the equation x + 11 = -17, you should subtract 11 from both sides.

To solve the equation x + 11 = -17 and find the value of x, we need to isolate the variable x on one side of the equation. To do this, we perform the same operation on both sides of the equation to maintain equality.

Looking at the options provided, we can see that adding or subtracting 11 on both sides of the equation is one possible step. Let's try adding 11 to both sides:

x + 11 + 11 = -17 + 11

This gives us:

x + 22 = -6

Now, we still need to isolate x. Since there is an addition operation between x and 22, we can remove it by subtracting 22 from both sides:

x + 22 - 22 = -6 - 22

Simplifying further, we have:

x = -28

Therefore, adding 11 to both sides is the correct operation to solve the equation x + 11 = -17 and find the value of x.

it was f+250<1,000 :3

oop i mean f+250>1,000