Comparing Texts Quick Check

3 of 43 of 4 Items
Which strategy would be used to show how two texts written by different authors about the same topic are the same and different?(1 point)

a pie chart
a pie chart

a timeline
a timeline

a Venn diagram
a Venn diagram

a bar graph
a bar graph
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The correct answer is a Venn diagram. A Venn diagram is a visual tool used to compare and contrast two or more things, in this case, two texts written by different authors about the same topic. It allows for the identification of similarities and differences between the texts.

The strategy that would be used to show how two texts written by different authors about the same topic are the same and different is a Venn diagram.

To show how two texts written by different authors about the same topic are the same and different, you would use a strategy called a Venn diagram. A Venn diagram is a visual representation that uses overlapping circles to compare and contrast two or more items. In this case, you can place the similarities between the two texts in the overlapping area of the circles, and the differences in the non-overlapping areas. This allows for a clear visualization of the similarities and differences between the texts.