You are creating a PowerPoint presentation for an upcoming assessment for one of your modules. You have many pictures in your presentation but would like to make the look and feel more appealing with borders so that they stand out in the presentation. What steps must you follow to add borders to your pictures?

Choose the correct answer

Click on the ‘Insert’ tab > Click on ‘Pictures’ > Select the file then click ‘Insert’ > Click ‘Picture Format’ > Then change the ‘Picture border’.

Click on the ‘Insert’ tab > Click on ‘Pictures’ > Select the file then click ‘Insert’ > Click ‘Picture Format’ > Then change the ‘Picture Layout’.  

Click on the ‘Insert’ tab > Click on ‘Pictures’ > Select the file then click ‘Insert’ > Click ‘Picture Format’ > Then select a ‘Picture style’.  

Click on the ‘Insert’ tab > Click on ‘Pictures’ > Select the file then click ‘Insert’ > Then select a ‘Background’ for your image.  

Click on the ‘Insert’ tab > Click on ‘Pictures’ > Select the file then click ‘Insert’ > Click ‘Picture Format’ > Then change the ‘Picture border’.

The correct answer is:

Click on the ‘Insert’ tab > Click on ‘Pictures’ > Select the file then click ‘Insert’ > Click ‘Picture Format’ > Then select a ‘Picture style’.

The correct answer is:

Click on the ‘Insert’ tab > Click on ‘Pictures’ > Select the file then click ‘Insert’ > Click ‘Picture Format’ > Then change the ‘Picture border’.