Use this sentence: A scientist finds fossils of the same marine animal in two distant locations.

Which conclusion statement is correct?

(1 point)

Water in both areas dried out at the same time.
Water in both areas dried out at the same time.

All rocks in both areas are the same age.
All rocks in both areas are the same age.

The fossils closest to Earth’s surface are the oldest.
The fossils closest to Earth’s surface are the oldest.

Both areas were covered by seawater at some time.

Both areas were covered by seawater at some time.

The correct conclusion statement would be: Both areas were covered by seawater at some time.

The correct conclusion statement is: Both areas were covered by seawater at some time.

To determine the correct conclusion, we can analyze the information provided in the sentence. The sentence states that a scientist found fossils of the same marine animal in two distant locations. This implies that these locations were once underwater or covered by seawater since fossils of marine animals are typically found in areas that were once submerged in water.

The other options can be eliminated by using the process of elimination:

1. "Water in both areas dried out at the same time." This conclusion assumes that the water in both areas evaporated simultaneously, causing the fossils to be left behind. However, the sentence does not provide any information about the timing of when the water dried out, so we cannot make this conclusion.

2. "All rocks in both areas are the same age." This conclusion assumes that the fossils found in both areas come from rocks of the same age. While the fossils may be the same, it does not necessarily mean that the rocks they were found in are of the same age. Therefore, this conclusion is not supported by the given sentence.

3. "The fossils closest to Earth’s surface are the oldest." This conclusion assumes that the deeper the fossils are buried, the older they are. However, the sentence does not provide any information about the depth at which the fossils were found, so we cannot make this conclusion.

Therefore, the only valid conclusion that can be drawn from the sentence is that both areas were covered by seawater at some time. This is because marine animals live in the ocean, and the fossils of a marine animal would only be found in areas that were once submerged in seawater.