In 3 hours the Johnson family traveled 195 miles by car Howe far will they travel in 5 hours

To find out how far the Johnson family will travel in 5 hours, we need to determine their average speed.

The average speed is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

In 3 hours, the Johnson family traveled 195 miles. Therefore, their average speed is 195 miles/3 hours = 65 miles/hour.

To determine how far they will travel in 5 hours, we multiply their average speed by the total time: 65 miles/hour * 5 hours = 325 miles.

Therefore, the Johnson family will travel 325 miles in 5 hours.

To find out how far the Johnson family will travel in 5 hours, we need to determine their average speed first.

To do this, we divide the total distance they traveled by the time it took to travel that distance:

Average speed = Total distance / Time taken

In this case, the Johnson family traveled 195 miles in 3 hours.

Average speed = 195 miles / 3 hours

To find out how far they will travel in 5 hours, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Distance = Average speed × Time

Now we can calculate the distance they will travel in 5 hours.

To determine how far the Johnson family will travel in 5 hours, we first need to calculate their average speed. We can do this by dividing the total distance traveled by the time taken.

Average speed = Total distance / Time taken

In this case, the total distance traveled is 195 miles and the time taken is 3 hours.

Average speed = 195 miles / 3 hours
Average speed = 65 miles/hour

Now that we know their average speed is 65 miles per hour, we can use this to find out how far they will travel in 5 hours. We can multiply the average speed by the time to get the distance traveled.

Distance = Average speed x Time taken

Using the average speed of 65 miles/hour and a time of 5 hours:

Distance = 65 miles/hour x 5 hours
Distance = 325 miles

Therefore, the Johnson family will travel 325 miles in 5 hours.