A band played 18 songs at a concert if the songs played at thr concert are 15% of there total recorded song how many total songs has the band recorde

Let "x" be the total number of songs the band has recorded.

If 18 songs are 15% of the total recorded songs, then we have the equation:
18 = 0.15x.
To find the value of "x", we solve the equation:
x = 18 / 0.15.
x = <<120=120>>120.
Therefore, the band has recorded a total of 120 songs. Answer: \boxed{120}.

To find out how many total songs the band has recorded, we can use the information that the songs played at the concert are 15% of the total recorded songs.

Let's assume the total recorded songs are represented by "x".

So, 15% of x is equal to 18 songs.

15% of x = 18

To solve for x, we can set up the equation:

0.15x = 18

Divide both sides of the equation by 0.15:

x = 18 / 0.15

x ≈ 120

Therefore, the band has recorded approximately 120 songs.

To determine the total number of songs the band has recorded, we can set up a proportion using the information given.

Let's represent the total number of songs the band has recorded as "x". We are told that the songs played at the concert make up 15% of the total recorded songs.

15% can be written as a decimal as 0.15. So, we have 18 songs (played at the concert) = 0.15 (proportion) * x (total recorded songs).

Mathematically, this can be written as:

18 = 0.15 * x

Now, let's solve for x. Divide both sides of the equation by 0.15:

18 / 0.15 = x

x ≈ 120

Therefore, the band has recorded approximately 120 songs in total.