Energy cannot be created or destroyed by ordinate, physical or chemical process. This concept is called the ?

This concept is called the Law of Conservation of Energy.

This concept is called the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The concept that energy cannot be created or destroyed is known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. This law is a fundamental principle in physics, and it states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant over time. It means that energy can be converted from one form to another (e.g., from kinetic to potential energy), but the total amount of energy in a system always stays the same. This principle is derived from observations and experiments conducted by scientists over many years.

To understand how to reach this concept, one can study physics, particularly the branch known as classical mechanics. A good starting point would be to learn about the work-energy principle, which relates the change in an object's mechanical energy (the sum of its kinetic and potential energies) to the work done on it by forces. Through exploring the laws of motion and studying different types of energy, such as kinetic, potential, and thermal, one can begin to understand why energy is conserved.

Additionally, the concept of conservation of energy is further expanded upon in other fields of science, such as thermodynamics and quantum mechanics, where it is applied to various systems and processes. It is important to consult credible textbooks, online resources, or seek guidance from a physics teacher or professor to delve deeper into this topic.