During the time of President Andrew Jackson, which group in the United States gained suffrage?

(1 point)

women who owned property
women who owned property

men who did not own property
men who did not own property

white men and African American men
white men and African American men

all men over 18 years old

white men and African American men

During the time of President Andrew Jackson, the group in the United States that gained suffrage was white men and African American men.

During the time of President Andrew Jackson, the group that gained suffrage, or the right to vote, was white men and African American men.

To answer this question, one can rely on historical knowledge and research. During the early 19th century, the United States still had restrictions on suffrage, limiting it primarily to white male property owners. However, several changes occurred during Jackson's presidency, leading to broader suffrage for certain groups.

One important development during that time was the elimination of property ownership requirements for white male voters in many states. Previously, only white men who owned property were allowed to vote. However, Jacksonian democracy aimed to expand political participation and empower the common man, leading to the removal of this property requirement.

Additionally, while African Americans were still largely excluded from suffrage during this period due to slavery and racial discrimination, some states did grant African American men the right to vote. However, these rights were often limited and subject to various discriminatory practices and barriers.

In summary, during the time of President Andrew Jackson, the group in the United States that gained suffrage was white men and some African American men, while women were still largely excluded from the right to vote.