Which stage in the demographic transition model has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates?(1 point)


stage two
stage two

stage one
stage one

stage four
stage four

stage three

The correct answer is stage two.

The stage in the demographic transition model that has rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates is stage two.

The answer is stage two. In order to determine this, we need to understand what the demographic transition model is and what each stage represents.

The demographic transition model is a model that describes the historical and projected population changes in societies over time. It consists of four stages, each representing a different level of population growth, birth rates, and death rates.

- Stage one: This stage represents pre-industrial societies with high birth rates and high death rates, resulting in minimal population growth.
- Stage two: This stage is characterized by rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and declining death rates. This typically occurs as societies transition from agrarian to industrial economies and improvements in healthcare, sanitation, and living conditions lead to reduced mortality.
- Stage three: In this stage, birth rates begin to decline as societies become more industrialized and urbanized. Death rates continue to decline, but at a slower pace. Population growth slows down compared to stage two.
- Stage four: This stage represents post-industrial societies with low birth rates and low death rates, resulting in minimal population growth or even population decline.

Based on this information, we can conclude that stage two is the stage with rapidly growing populations due to high birth rates and low death rates.