Which of the following molecules shows two atoms of hydrogen (H)?(1 point)


2H2O2 cap h sub 2 cap o

HO2cap h cap o sub 2

2CH42 cap c cap h sub 4



The molecule that shows two atoms of hydrogen (H) is H2O2.

To determine which of the given molecules shows two atoms of hydrogen (H), we need to analyze each option:

1) 2H2O2: This molecule consists of two peroxide (O2) groups, but each peroxide group contains two oxygen (O) atoms, not hydrogen (H) atoms. Therefore, it does not show two atoms of hydrogen.

2) HO2H2: This molecule consists of one hydroperoxyl (HO2) group and one hydrogen (H) atom. However, it only contains one hydrogen atom, not two. Therefore, it does not show two atoms of hydrogen.

3) 2CH4: This molecule consists of two methane (CH4) groups. In each methane group, there are four hydrogen (H) atoms. Since there are two methane groups, the total number of hydrogen atoms in this molecule is 4 + 4 = 8. It contains more than two hydrogen atoms.

4) H2SO4: This molecule consists of one sulfur (S) atom, four oxygen (O) atoms, and two hydrogen (H) atoms. Since it has two hydrogen atoms, it satisfies the condition of showing two atoms of hydrogen.

Therefore, the correct answer is H2SO4. It is the only molecule among the given options that shows two atoms of hydrogen.