Why did Washington reject the advice of both Jefferson an Hamilton and adopt a policy of neutrality?

The nation couldn't afford another war so soon after the revolution?
Washington was timid about taking military action?
Washington feared that war woul divide the nation.
Washington was upset over the murder of the french king

The main reason why Washington rejected the advice of both Jefferson and Hamilton and adopted a policy of neutrality was because he feared that war would divide the nation.

The reasons why Washington rejected the advice of both Jefferson and Hamilton and adopted a policy of neutrality are as follows:

1. The nation couldn't afford another war so soon after the revolution: After the Revolutionary War, the United States was still recovering economically and didn't have the resources to engage in another costly conflict. Maintaining neutrality helped to avoid the financial strain of war.

2. Washington was not timid about taking military action: While Washington had experience as a military leader, his decision to adopt a policy of neutrality was not driven by his own hesitancy to engage in warfare. Instead, it was a pragmatic choice based on the nation's interests and limitations.

3. Washington feared that war would divide the nation: Washington recognized the fragile state of the young nation and believed that involvement in foreign conflicts could lead to internal divisions. By remaining neutral, he aimed to preserve unity among the American people.

4. Washington's upset over the murder of the French king was not a primary reason for his decision: While Washington expressed disappointment and condemnation over the execution of King Louis XVI during the French Revolution, it was not the sole or primary factor that influenced his policy of neutrality. His decision was based on broader considerations of national interest and stability.

In summary, Washington rejected the advice of Jefferson and Hamilton and adopted a policy of neutrality primarily because the nation couldn't afford another war, he feared it would divide the nation, and he aimed to maintain internal stability after the Revolution.

To understand why Washington rejected the advice of both Jefferson and Hamilton and adopted a policy of neutrality, we need to look at the historical context and the factors influencing his decision.

Firstly, it is important to note that Washington's decision was based on several considerations, and the reasons you mentioned might have played a part. However, the primary factor behind Washington's choice was a combination of avoiding potential conflicts and maintaining the fragile unity of the nation.

Here's how you can break down the answer and find more information:

1. Research the historical context: Start by understanding the events leading to the adoption of a policy of neutrality. Look into the international conflicts and tensions that were prevailing during Washington's presidency, such as the French Revolution and its impact on France and other European powers.

2. Consider economic factors: Explore the financial situation of the newly formed United States at that time. Look for information on the post-revolutionary war debts, the state of the economy, and the financial strain the nation was facing. This could provide insight into the idea that the nation couldn't afford another war so soon after the Revolution.

3. Analyze Washington's leadership style: Examine Washington's character and leadership style. Look for information on his approach to military action and his personal convictions. This could help understand whether he was timid about taking military action or had different priorities for the young nation.

4. Study Washington's concerns about national unity: Investigate Washington's fears about domestic divisions and the potential consequences of engaging in international conflicts. Look for sources that discuss his concerns about war dividing the nation. Consider exploring key documents, such as Washington's Farewell Address, where he addressed these issues.

5. Research Washington's reaction to the murder of the French king: Investigate Washington's response to the murder of the French king, Louis XVI. While this event may have influenced his thinking, it is important to gather information on how significant this particular event was in shaping his decision regarding neutrality.

By examining these historical aspects and analyzing multiple perspectives, you will be able to form a well-rounded answer explaining why Washington rejected the advice of Jefferson and Hamilton and opted for a policy of neutrality.