Chen is writing a report on the most common types of drugs people are most likely to become addicted to or abuse. What is the LEAST appropriate type of drug to include in this report? (1 point) Responses

painkillers painkillers

antibiotics antibiotics

depressants depressants



Antibiotics would be the least appropriate type of drug to include in this report. Antibiotics are medications used to treat bacterial infections and are not typically associated with addiction or abuse. The other three options - painkillers, depressants, and stimulants - are more commonly associated with addiction or abuse potential.

To determine the least appropriate type of drug to include in this report, we need to consider which types of drugs are commonly associated with addiction or abuse.

First, let's understand the categories mentioned:
1. Painkillers: These are drugs typically used to relieve pain, such as opioids.
2. Antibiotics: These are medications used to treat bacterial infections and are generally not associated with addiction or abuse.
3. Depressants: These drugs, including alcohol and benzodiazepines, slow down brain activity and can be addictive.
4. Stimulants: These drugs, like cocaine and amphetamines, increase alertness and energy levels but also have a high potential for abuse.

Based on the aforementioned information, it would be least appropriate to include antibiotics in the report. Antibiotics are not drugs that people typically become addicted to or abuse, as they are used for specific medical purposes and do not produce a high or euphoric effect like other drugs.