Difference between invisible imports and invisible exports

Invisible imports and invisible exports are terms commonly used in the context of software development and modularity in programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, and TypeScript. These terms refer to the ability to import or export code between different modules or files without explicitly mentioning them in the import/export statements.

1. Invisible Imports:
Invisible imports are imports that are not explicitly mentioned in the import statements of a module but are automatically resolved by the runtime or compiler. When a module references another module without mentioning it in the import statement, the runtime or compiler will attempt to resolve the unmentioned module based on the contextual information available. This can be useful in cases where the developer wants to access code from a module without explicitly specifying it, such as when relying on the default behavior or configuration.

2. Invisible Exports:
Invisible exports are exports that are not explicitly mentioned in the export statements of a module but are still accessible to other modules that import from it. When a module defines certain variables, functions, or objects without exporting them by name, these can still be accessed by other modules that import from it. This allows the exporting module to provide additional functionalities or APIs without the need for explicit exports, keeping the interface cleaner and more manageable. Invisible exports are commonly used when the exporting module wants to expose a specific set of public APIs while keeping implementation details hidden.

In summary, invisible imports refer to the ability to use code from other modules without explicitly mentioning them in the import statements, while invisible exports refer to the ability to make certain code elements accessible to other modules without explicitly exporting them by name. Both concepts offer flexibility and simplify code organization and modularity.

Invisible imports and invisible exports are concepts related to the module systems used in programming languages like JavaScript. Here is the difference between them:

1. Invisible Imports:
- Invisible imports refer to the ability to import a module without explicitly specifying it in the code.
- It allows the module loader to automatically resolve and fetch any dependent modules.
- This is typically achieved by using a wildcard or a default import syntax when importing modules.
- With invisible imports, the specific modules being imported are not specified, making the code more concise and flexible.
- It can simplify the module import process, especially in large codebases with many dependencies.

2. Invisible Exports:
- Invisible exports refer to the ability to export a module without explicitly specifying the exported items.
- It allows the module to expose only certain items to other modules, hiding the internal implementation details.
- This is typically achieved by using a wildcard export syntax or a default export syntax when exporting modules.
- With invisible exports, the specific exported items are not explicitly mentioned, making the code more modular and encapsulated.
- It can provide an abstraction layer that prevents other modules from accessing or modifying certain internal components.

In summary, invisible imports focus on simplifying the process of importing modules, while invisible exports focus on selectively exposing components to other modules.

Invisible imports and invisible exports are concepts related to the use of modules in programming.

In programming languages like JavaScript and TypeScript, modules allow you to organize your code into reusable and manageable pieces. These modules can define functions, variables, classes, or other objects that can be imported and used in other parts of your program.

Now, let's break down the difference between invisible imports and invisible exports:

1. Invisible Imports:
- Invisible imports refer to the way modules bring in functionality from other modules without explicitly stating which specific objects are being imported.
- In this case, the consuming module can access and use any exported object from the imported module without explicitly mentioning their names.
- This can be achieved using the "import * as" syntax in JavaScript or TypeScript.
- For example, if you have a module named "math.js" with several exported functions like add, subtract, multiply, and divide, you can import all of them invisibly using:
import * as math from './math.js';
- Once imported in this way, you can call any of the exported functions from the "math.js" module like `math.add(2, 3)` or `math.divide(10, 2)`.

2. Invisible Exports:
- Invisible exports refer to the way modules expose functionality to be imported by other modules without explicitly stating which objects are being exported.
- In this case, the module exports all of its objects implicitly, making them accessible to other modules that import it.
- This happens when you use the "export" keyword without specifying a particular object to export.
- For example, in a module named "utils.js," you can have various functions, classes, or variables defined. By default, all of them are exported invisibly:
export function sum(a, b) {
return a + b;

export class Foo {
// ...

const PI = 3.1416;
export default PI;
- When other modules import the "utils.js" module, they will have access to all the exported functionality without explicitly mentioning which objects they want to import.

So, to summarize, invisible imports allow you to import all objects from a module without explicitly listing them, while invisible exports allow you to export all objects from a module without explicitly specifying them.