Which of the following is the role of supporting details in a text?(1 point)


to help the reader understand the central idea
to help the reader understand the central idea

to show the reader how to find more details about the topic in other texts
to show the reader how to find more details about the topic in other texts

to give the author's opinion about a topic
to give the author's opinion about a topic

to give information about topics related to the main topic

to give information about topics related to the main topic

The role of supporting details in a text is to give information about topics related to the main topic.

The role of supporting details in a text is to help the reader understand the central idea. These details provide evidence, examples, and explanations that support the main point or thesis of a text. They provide clarity and depth to the central idea by illustrating or expanding upon it. By including supporting details, the author strengthens their argument or analysis and helps the reader to grasp the main message more effectively.

Additionally, supporting details also serve to give information about topics related to the main topic. While focusing on the central idea, authors often provide additional information that enhances the reader's understanding of the main topic. These details may offer context, background information, or explore related concepts that are connected to the central idea. By doing so, the author ensures that the reader has a comprehensive understanding of the topic being discussed.