No moment symbolized a country's greatness better than when the first Americans walked on the moon. In 1969, our entire nation, as well as countless others, watched in stupefied wonder as three astronauts performed their mission flawlessly. It was a triumph that united a nation embroiled in many divisive issues that were pitting neighbor against neighbor. Today we find ourselves divided as a nation once again, but fortuitously, history has given us the solution. We must learn from the past and renew the program to send astronguts to the moon.

Why is the argument weak?
It fails to consider numerous other more-recent space missions.
It is based upon an obviously biased statement that people are divided.
3 It likely overstates how much the moon landings solved divisive issues.


It does not provide any evidence or reasoning to support the claim that sending astronauts to the moon will unite the nation or solve current divisive issues.

The argument is weak because it fails to consider numerous other more-recent space missions (option 1). It also overstates how much the moon landings solved divisive issues (option 3).

The argument is weak because of reason number 3: it likely overstates how much the moon landings solved divisive issues. While the moon landing may have temporarily united the nation and distracted from ongoing conflicts, it is an overstatement to claim that it completely solved or resolved these divisive issues. Additionally, the argument does not provide any evidence or logical reasoning to support the assertion that renewing the program to send astronauts to the moon would have the same effect in our current divided state. Therefore, this argument lacks a strong foundation and fails to consider the complexities and current context of the situation.