Canadians pay higher taxes so that the government can control and fund which of the following? Select ALL that apply. (1 point)


postal service
postal service




postal service


Canadians pay higher taxes so that the government can control and fund the following:

- Postal service
- Healthcare

To determine which of the options Canadians pay higher taxes for, we can examine the role of taxation in funding various aspects of government control and services in Canada.

1. Postal service: In Canada, the postal service is a government-owned corporation called Canada Post. The funding needed to operate and maintain the postal service is derived from a combination of sources, including postage fees, government subsidies, and tax revenues.

2. Healthcare: Canada has a publicly funded healthcare system called Medicare, which provides primary healthcare services to Canadian residents. The funding for healthcare comes primarily from taxes, both at the federal and provincial/territorial levels. Canadians pay higher taxes to ensure the government's ability to provide accessible and affordable healthcare for its citizens.

3. Corporations: While taxes levied on corporations contribute to the overall revenue of the government, it is not accurate to say that Canadians pay higher taxes specifically to control or fund corporations. Corporate taxation is a way for the government to generate revenue and regulate the business sector, but it is not directly linked to higher tax rates for individuals.

4. Mining: Mining operations in Canada generate revenue through various means, such as royalties, licensing fees, and corporate taxes paid by mining companies. However, Canadians do not pay higher taxes specifically to control or fund mining activities.

Therefore, the correct options that Canadians pay higher taxes for in order to ensure government control and funding are:

- Postal service
- Healthcare