Write a function that models the following description: A man drove a total of 40 miles over a 2-hour period.(1 point)


f(t) = 40/2 * t, where t represents the time in hours.

f(t) = 40/2 * t, where t is the time in hours.

To create a function that models the described scenario, we can define a function f(x), where x represents the number of hours the man drove. The function can be defined as follows:

f(x) = 40x/2

Let's break down the function:

- The total distance driven by the man is 40 miles.
- The total time period is 2 hours.

Since distance is proportional to time, we can divide the total distance by the total time period to calculate the rate of driving. In this case, the rate of driving is 40/2 = 20 miles per hour.

So, for every hour the man drives, he covers 20 miles. Therefore, we can multiply the number of hours by the rate of driving to calculate the distance:

f(x) = 20x

This function represents the relationship between the number of hours driven (x) and the total distance covered (f(x)).