After selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas, what is the next step in writing an informational text?(1 point)


creating an outline
creating an outline

writing body paragraphs
writing body paragraphs

writing an introduction
writing an introduction

choosing a good title

The next step in writing an informational text is creating an outline.

The next step in writing an informational text after selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas is creating an outline.

The next step in writing an informational text after selecting a topic, choosing an organizational strategy, and brainstorming ideas is creating an outline.

Creating an outline helps to organize your thoughts and the information you want to include in your text. It acts as a roadmap for your writing and provides a clear structure for your ideas. An outline typically consists of main points and subpoints that you want to cover, helping you to maintain a logical flow in your writing.

To create an outline, you can start by identifying the main ideas or key points that you want to address in your text. These main ideas will serve as the headings or sections of your outline. Under each main idea, you can then list the supporting details or subpoints that contribute to the main idea.

By creating an outline, you can ensure that your writing is well-organized and that you cover all the necessary information in a coherent manner. It can save you time and make the writing process smoother by providing a structure to follow. Additionally, it helps you stay focused on your main ideas and prevents you from going off track.

Once you have created a detailed outline, you can move on to writing the body paragraphs where you develop and discuss each main point in more detail using the supporting details and subpoints identified in your outline.