Which process would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent? (1 point)


A plant growing from a seed. 
A plant growing from a seed. 

A bird laying an egg.
A bird laying an egg.

A bacterium splitting in two.
A bacterium splitting in two.

A tree growing from the stump of another tree. 
A tree growing from the stump of another tree.

A bacterium splitting in two.

The process that would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent is "A bacterium splitting in two."

The process that would lead to offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent is a bacterium splitting in two.

When a bacterium splits, it undergoes a process called binary fission, where it divides into two identical daughter cells. This means that each new cell will have the same genetic information as the parent bacterium. In binary fission, the genetic material is replicated, and then the cell divides into two equal halves, with each daughter cell containing an identical copy of the parent cell's DNA.

On the other hand, the other options mentioned – a plant growing from a seed, a bird laying an egg, and a tree growing from the stump of another tree – involve sexual reproduction or asexual reproduction with genetic variation. In sexual reproduction, genetic information from two parents is combined to produce offspring with a unique combination of genes. In asexual reproduction, although the offspring are clones of the parent, they may still have some variations due to mutations or environmental factors. Therefore, these processes do not result in offspring with the exact same genetic information as the parent.