Sam is conducting research for a school project on the American Revolution. Which of the following kinds of software will help with research notes?

(1 point)

music editing software

music editing software

word processing software

word processing software

presentation software

presentation software



word processing software

The software that will help with research notes for Sam's school project on the American Revolution is word processing software.

The software that would be helpful for Sam to organize and take research notes for his school project on the American Revolution is word processing software. Word processing software provides features such as document creation and editing, making it ideal for writing and organizing notes.

To get word processing software, Sam can check if his school provides access to any specific software, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Additionally, he can use free alternatives like LibreOffice Writer or Apple Pages. Sam may need to download and install the software depending on the platform he is using, or he can also use online versions if available.

Once the word processing software is set up, Sam can create a new document dedicated to his research project. He can then type and format his research notes in this document, organizing them in a way that makes sense to him. Sam can use headings, bullet points, and other formatting tools to structure and categorize his notes effectively. He can also make use of features like highlighting and font customization to emphasize key points or important information.

By using word processing software for research notes, Sam will have a centralized, editable, and easily navigable document that he can refer to while writing his school project or whenever he needs to access his research. This software will assist him in efficiently collecting and organizing his findings, making the process of completing his project much smoother.

Which of the following is an example of system software?