On a circle graph, how many degrees of the circle are measured for a category worth 31%?





To find the number of degrees of a circle that corresponds to a certain percentage, you multiply the percentage by 360° (the total number of degrees in a circle).

So, for a category worth 31%, we have:
31% x 360° = 0.31 x 360° = 111.6°

Rounding to the nearest whole number, the closest option is 112°.

Therefore, the answer is 112°.

To find the number of degrees of the circle measured for a category worth 31%, you can use the formula:

Number of degrees = (Percentage / 100) * 360

Using this formula, we can calculate:

Number of degrees = (31 / 100) * 360

Number of degrees = 0.31 * 360

Number of degrees = 111.6

Since we typically round the degree measurement to the nearest whole number, the closest option is 112°.

To determine the number of degrees that represent a certain percentage on a circle graph, you need to use the concept of proportions.

Step 1: Start with the fact that a whole circle has 360 degrees (this is a fundamental property of circles).

Step 2: Convert the given percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100. In this case, 31% becomes 0.31.

Step 3: Multiply the decimal by 360 to find the number of degrees. In this case, 0.31 multiplied by 360 is approximately 111.6 degrees.

Now, since we are working with whole numbers of degrees, we need to round the result from 111.6 to the nearest whole number. Since 111.6 is closer to 112 than to 111, we round up and conclude that a category worth 31% is represented by approximately 112° on a circle graph.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
