Why did the Separatists come to North America?


They wanted to stay English and practice their own religion.

They wanted to stay English and practice their own religion.

They wanted to separate themselves from everything English and start over.

They wanted to separate themselves from everything English and start over.

They hoped to find adventure.

They hoped to find adventure.

They hoped to find gold and return to Holland with riches.

They hoped to find gold and return to Holland with riches.

The Separatists came to North America for multiple reasons:

1. They wanted to separate themselves from everything English and start over.
2. They wanted to stay English and practice their own religion.
3. They hoped to find adventure.
4. They hoped to find gold and return to Holland with riches.

These were some of the motivations that drove the Separatists to journey to North America.

The Separatists came to North America in search of religious freedom and to separate themselves from the Church of England. They wanted to practice their own religion and maintain their English identity. To get this answer, one can study the historical context of the Separatists and their reasons for leaving England. Researching primary sources such as diaries, letters, and historical documents from that time period can provide further insights into their motivations.