Who helped the settlers survive, and how?


Edward Winslow set up an army and kept pirates away.

Edward Winslow set up an army and kept pirates away.

Massasoit designed and sewed the clothing they wore.

Massasoit designed and sewed the clothing they wore.

Squanto taught them how to plant, fish, and find their way around.

Squanto taught them how to plant, fish, and find their way around.

John Carver helped them build boats and become fishermen.

John Carver helped them build boats and become fishermen.

The settlers were helped by several individuals in various ways:

1. Edward Winslow: He set up an army and helped keep pirates away from the settlers.
2. Massasoit: Massasoit, a Native American leader, helped the settlers by designing and sewing the clothing they wore.
3. Squanto: Squanto, another Native American, played a crucial role in helping the settlers survive. He taught them how to plant crops, fish, and navigate the area.
4. John Carver: John Carver helped the settlers by assisting them in building boats and becoming fishermen.

The settlers were helped by several individuals in different ways to survive.

1. Edward Winslow: He did not set up an army, as stated in the responses. However, Edward Winslow was an important figure who played a key role in building alliances with the Native Americans, particularly with the Wampanoag tribe. This alliance proved crucial in ensuring the settlers' safety and survival. Through diplomacy and negotiation, Winslow maintained peaceful relations with the Native Americans and worked to prevent conflict.

2. Massasoit: Massasoit was the leader of the Wampanoag tribe, who played a significant role in the survival of the settlers. He forged a peace treaty with the Pilgrims and provided them with essential aid, including food, clothing, and agricultural guidance. While it is not accurate to say that Massasoit personally designed and sewed clothing for the settlers, his tribe did provide them with assistance in the form of trade and support.

3. Squanto: Squanto, also known as Tisquantum, was a Native American from the Patuxet tribe who played a vital role in the survival of the settlers. He served as a guide and interpreter, teaching the settlers various survival skills, such as how to plant crops efficiently, fish, and navigate the unfamiliar surroundings. His knowledge of the local land and its resources was invaluable in helping the settlers establish themselves.

4. John Carver: John Carver, one of the leaders of the Plymouth Colony, did not specifically help the settlers build boats and become fishermen, as mentioned in the responses. However, he did serve as the first governor of the Plymouth Colony and played a crucial role in organizing and leading the early settlement. He oversaw the establishment of laws, governance, and trade relationships, all of which contributed to the survival and success of the settlers.

In summary, Edward Winslow, Massasoit, Squanto, and John Carver all played significant roles in helping the settlers survive. Edward Winslow built alliances, Massasoit provided aid, Squanto taught survival skills, and John Carver led the colony's governance.