A document showed that the settlers of Plymouth were ready to govern themselves. It showed that they agreed to live together according to a system of laws. What was it?


the Massachusetts Bay Charter

the Massachusetts Bay Charter

the Declaration of Independence

the Declaration of Independence

the Mayflower Compact

the Mayflower Compact

the Charter of the Virginia Company

the Mayflower Compact

The document that showed that the settlers of Plymouth were ready to govern themselves and agreed to live together according to a system of laws was the Mayflower Compact.

The correct answer is the Mayflower Compact. To find this answer, you could start by searching for information about the founding of Plymouth and the early settlers. The Mayflower Compact is a significant document that emerged from the journey of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower ship and their establishment of the Plymouth Colony. It was drafted and signed by the male passengers of the ship on November 11, 1620. The Mayflower Compact was an agreement that established a democratic self-governing system for the new settlement. It outlined the principles of their government and set forth the idea that the settlers would govern themselves based on majority rule and the just and equal laws agreed upon by the community. This document is considered an important precursor to later documents such as the Massachusetts Bay Charter and the Declaration of Independence.