What did the Separatists want to do?


separate from the Church of England and worship in their own way

separate from the Church of England and worship in their own way

separate from the Catholic Church and start a colony in Virginia

separate from the Catholic Church and start a colony in Virginia

separate from the Puritans and become Catholics

separate from the Puritans and become Catholics

separate from all Protestant churches and become saints

The correct response is: separate from the Church of England and worship in their own way.

The Separatists wanted to separate from the Church of England and worship in their own way.

The correct answer is: separate from the Church of England and worship in their own way.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate the incorrect options based on historical context.

First, let's address the options related to the Catholic Church:
- The Separatists were not trying to separate from the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was not the dominant religious authority in England during the period of the Separatists' movement. Therefore, the options mentioning the Catholic Church are incorrect.

Next, let's consider the options related to the Puritans:
- The Puritans were a different religious group with their own beliefs and goals. The Separatists sought to separate from the Church of England, which was the established church in England at the time, but not from the Puritans themselves.

Lastly, let's analyze the option mentioning becoming saints:
- The Separatists' goal was religious freedom, not the attainment of sainthood.

Based on the process of elimination, the correct answer is that the Separatists wanted to separate from the Church of England and worship in their own way.