On October 20 1803 the senate ratified the Louisiana purchase treaty by a vote of twenty-four to seven. The agreement wich provide for the purchase of the western half of Mississippi riviera basin from France at a price of 15 million or approximately fourcents per acre doubled the size of the country and paved the way for western expansion beyond the Mississippi. Based on the following excerpt wich of the following statements can be inferred about the effect the Louisiana purchase would have on the United states

From the given excerpt, the following statement can be inferred about the effect the Louisiana Purchase would have on the United States:

The Louisiana Purchase would significantly increase the size of the country and open up opportunities for western expansion beyond the Mississippi.

Based on the given excerpt, the following statements can be inferred about the effect the Louisiana Purchase would have on the United States:

1. The Louisiana Purchase would significantly increase the size of the country - The purchase of the western half of the Mississippi River basin from France would double the size of the United States.

2. The purchase would enable western expansion beyond the Mississippi River - The Louisiana Purchase paved the way for western expansion, allowing the United States to extend its territory beyond the Mississippi River.

3. The Louisiana Purchase was a relatively affordable acquisition - The purchase price of 15 million dollars, at approximately four cents per acre, indicates that the United States was able to secure a significant amount of territory at a relatively low cost.

Based on the given excerpt, the following statements can be inferred about the effect the Louisiana Purchase would have on the United States:

1. The Louisiana Purchase would significantly increase the size of the country: The purchase agreement states that it would double the size of the country, suggesting a considerable territorial expansion.

2. The western half of the Mississippi River basin was acquired: The purchase specifically refers to the western half of the Mississippi River basin, implying that this region was now part of the United States.

3. Western expansion beyond the Mississippi is anticipated: The purchase is mentioned as paving the way for western expansion beyond the Mississippi, indicating that the acquisition of this territory would allow the United States to expand further westward.

4. The purchase price was approximately four cents per acre: The excerpt mentions that the purchase was made at a cost of 15 million dollars, and when divided by the approximate number of acres, the price becomes roughly four cents per acre.

Therefore, the inferred statements about the effect of the Louisiana Purchase on the United States are:

- The country's size would double.
- The western half of the Mississippi River basin would be acquired.
- Western expansion beyond the Mississippi would be possible.
- The purchase price was four cents per acre.