Which of the following statements best interprets why the Ming Dynasty fell?(1 point) Responses People came to believe that the emperor was no longer blessed by the gods and should not rule. People came to believe that the emperor was no longer blessed by the gods and should not rule. The Ming empire was overwhelmed by attacks from outside countries and could not fight back. The Ming empire was overwhelmed by attacks from outside countries and could not fight back. A combination of internal and external forces weakened the Ming Dynasty over time. A combination of internal and external forces weakened the Ming Dynasty over time. Inflation became too high and made it challenging for people to keep their living standards.

A combination of internal and external forces weakened the Ming Dynasty over time.

The best interpretation for why the Ming Dynasty fell is a combination of internal and external forces weakening the dynasty over time.

To determine the best interpretation for why the Ming Dynasty fell, we need to evaluate the given statements and consider the historical context.

Statement 1 suggests that people stopped believing in the emperor's divine mandate to rule. This belief was essential in traditional Chinese governance, so a loss of faith in the emperor would certainly undermine the dynasty's stability.

Statement 2 implies that the Ming Dynasty's downfall was primarily due to external attacks from other countries. If the empire was overwhelmed and unable to defend itself, this could have contributed to its demise.

Statement 3 states that a combination of internal and external factors weakened the Ming Dynasty over time. This broad explanation suggests that a mix of both internal issues (such as political corruption, economic problems, or social unrest) and external pressures played a role in the dynasty's decline.

Statement 4 suggests that high inflation negatively affected people's living standards. Economic issues have historically played a significant role in the downfall of dynasties, and if the inflation rate was indeed uncontrollable, it could have contributed to the decline of the Ming Dynasty.

Considering the historical context, the most comprehensive interpretation is likely Statement 3. While internal factors such as political corruption, economic problems, and social unrest weakened the dynasty, external pressures, including military threats and attacks, also played a part in its eventual downfall. Therefore, a combination of both internal and external forces over time seems to have been the primary reason for the Ming Dynasty's collapse.